About Us


What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your god.”

-Micah 6:8

St. Luke’s Church has served as a place of worship, prayer and transformation in Woodland for over 140 years. We affirm God’s love for all of God’s people. Everyone is welcome. We are a vibrant, thriving community with opportunities for people of all ages for spiritual growth, fellowship, and making a transformative difference in our community. As an Episcopal Church, we are a worshipping community that is both rich with ancient tradition and relevant to life in the 21st century. We look forward to sharing God’s love with you!



St. Luke’s – A Brief History

The congregation began in 1872.  By 1886, the first church building was built at what is currently the location of the Greater Second Baptist Church (435 2nd St).  The congregation over the years grew, and eventually the land was purchased, and this sanctuary you are sitting in today was built in 1912.  The previous church building was sold to the Greater Second Baptist Church community.  And our pipe organ was installed in on ongoing project between 1919 – 1925 (with many repairs, additions, and restorations done throughout the years, including most recently in 2019).

The Guild Hall was completed in 1928, and the Great Hall and Educational Complex were built in 1957.  St. Luke’s started one of the first preschools in Woodland in 1965 which continues to operate today.  The Great Hall today is used primarily by a local non-profit ALMS (All Leaders Must Serve), working with youth on the margins to gain the confidence and the skills they need to be successful in the workplace and in their lives.  


St. Luke’s Today – More than Sunday Morning

While we have Sunday morning Worship at 8 am and 10 am each week, St. Luke’s is so much more.  There is the Temenos Farm, where parishioners work to connect with the Earth, experiment with sustainable and organic farming and gardening practices, and a space for different kinds of spiritual connection like our Epiphany Fire and Fall Harvest Festival.  Micah Forum is a partnership with the Greater Second Baptist Church to seek racial reconciliation and healing in Woodland.  Men’s Breakfast gathers men together for a time of fellowship, good food, and Bible Study.  They also dedicate themselves to a service project of serving breakfast once a month at 4th & Hope. Daughters of the King gathers women together for fellowship and prayer, and they have a dedicated service project of supporting the Personal Care Pantry at the Methodist Church.  There’s also Centering Prayer, Beloved Community, Monday & Wednesday Night Book Groups, and more!   
