Event Series Vestry


The Vestry meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Guild Hall. Contact the vestry for more information.

Grief Group

Alex will be hosting two classes about processing grief where you will learn rituals and tools for saying good-bye. These classes will be focused on Alex's departure, but what is learned can be used in many different life situations.

Event Series Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer

St Luke's Episcopal Church 515 Second Street, Woodland, CA, United States

Centering Prayer is a modern revival of an ancient way of becoming open to the Divine.  We meet weekly to read and discuss thoughts from experienced practitioners of Centering Prayer, then engage in our own practice for 20 minutes of silence.  Please join us.  We currently meet in the sanctuary at 6:00 pm every Sunday

Event Series Book Study

Monday Night Book Study

Book Study meets Mondays at 5:15pm via Zoom. Contact the church office for more information. We are currently reading Jesus Abba: The God Who Has Not Failed, by John Cobb

Micah Forum

Micah Forum is a collaborative group between St Luke's, Greater Second Baptist, and a few other individuals from the Woodland community, all committed to racial reconciliation.  For more information, contact LeAnn Herigstad or the church office.

Event Series Choir Practice

Choir Practice

The choir meets Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Vaccination and masks are required. To join or learn more about the our choir, please contact our music director, Dean Mora.

Event Series Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer

St Luke's Episcopal Church 515 Second Street, Woodland, CA, United States

Centering Prayer is a modern revival of an ancient way of becoming open to the Divine.  We meet weekly to read and discuss thoughts from experienced practitioners of Centering Prayer, then engage in our own practice for 20 minutes of silence.  Please join us.  We currently meet in the sanctuary at 6:00 pm every Sunday